Dillon Douglas
Daniel Williams
Jabari Mills
Jesse Bootan
Anil Khan
Shafique Sheppard
Anthony Providence
Jon Russ Jagessar
Kelon Lynch
Akim Chandler
Damion Ramsey
Joshua Yorke
Kwani Thomas
Adrian Alexander
Aalon Reid
Jason Persaud
Daron Cruickshank
Pigeon Point Skiers won the toss and choose to
Trinbago T10 Blast
Dillon Douglas
Daniel Williams
Jabari Mills
Jesse Bootan
Anil Khan
Shafique Sheppard
Anthony Providence
Jon Russ Jagessar
Kelon Lynch
Akim Chandler
Damion Ramsey
Joshua Yorke
Kwani Thomas
Adrian Alexander
Aalon Reid
Jason Persaud
Daron Cruickshank
Pigeon Point Skiers won the toss and choose to