Rebecca Burns
Jessica McFadyen
Amelia Kerr
Georgia Plimmer
Gemma Sims
Leigh Kasperek
Nicole Baird
Natasha Codyre
Kate Chandler
Jess Kerr
Xara Jetly
Claudia Green
Hannah Rowe
Ashtuti Kumar
Rosemary Mair
Flora Devonshire
Hollie Armitage
Central Districts (w) won the toss and choose to
Wayne Knights (second)
Tim Shirriffs (first)
Neil Louw (tv_umpire)
RE Hayward (referee)
Super Smash (W)
Rebecca Burns
Jessica McFadyen
Amelia Kerr
Georgia Plimmer
Gemma Sims
Leigh Kasperek
Nicole Baird
Natasha Codyre
Kate Chandler
Jess Kerr
Xara Jetly
Claudia Green
Hannah Rowe
Ashtuti Kumar
Rosemary Mair
Flora Devonshire
Hollie Armitage
Central Districts (w) won the toss and choose to
Wayne Knights (second)
Tim Shirriffs (first)
Neil Louw (tv_umpire)
RE Hayward (referee)