George Hankins
Paul Murray
Jack Hogarth
Andy Roberts
Arthur George
Marc Whitlock
Bryce Allchin
George Clarke
James Palmer
Graeme Farquhar
Billy Whitlock
Sahil Shah
Sam Huggett
Lee Cormie
Charlie Grant
Freddie Freeman
Harry Youds
David Smith
Hornchurch won the toss and choose to
Ian Ramage (referee)
Jarry Buscall (tv_umpire)
Aaron Page (first)
Hemal Wijesuriya (second)
ECS England
George Hankins
Paul Murray
Jack Hogarth
Andy Roberts
Arthur George
Marc Whitlock
Bryce Allchin
George Clarke
James Palmer
Graeme Farquhar
Billy Whitlock
Sahil Shah
Sam Huggett
Lee Cormie
Charlie Grant
Freddie Freeman
Harry Youds
David Smith
Hornchurch won the toss and choose to
Ian Ramage (referee)
Jarry Buscall (tv_umpire)
Aaron Page (first)
Hemal Wijesuriya (second)