Back of length ball on the off, tries to played but gets edge and keeper takes a good catch.
Short length ball outside off, leaves it.
Length ball on the pads, tries to flicked but gets inside edge and keeper takes a catch.
Short ball on the stumps, guides to third man for single.
Good length ball on the off, played to mid off.
Pitched up ball on the off, drives to cover.
Slower ball on the off, blocked it.
Fuller ball on the off, cuts to point for single.
Good length ball on the pads, flicked to square leg for single.
Good length ball on the off, played to extra cover for single.
Full length ball outside off, defended to mid off.
Back of length ball outside off, wanted to play but misses it.
Short of length ball outside off, ducks under it.
Low full toss ball on the stumps, flicked to mid wicket for a single.
Short ball on the stumps, flicked to square leg for a couple.
Short ball outside off, pushed to cover point for a single.
Tossed up ball outside off, tried to drive but misses it.
Flight up ball outside off, gets beaten.
Flat ball on the stumps, slog swept to deep mid wicket for a maximum.
Tossed up ball on the stumps, blocked it.
Flat ball on the stumps, hit it to long on for a maximum.
Flight up ball on the stumps, lofted to long on for a maximum.
Short of length ball outside off, leaves it alone.
Length ball on the stumps, pushed to mid off.
Full length ball outside off stump, worked to square leg for a single.
Yorker length ball on the stumps, defended back.
Short of length ball outside off, defended it.
Fuller ball outside off, gets beaten.
Flight up ball outside off, pushed to cover.
Alzarri Joseph to
Back of length ball on the off, tries to played but gets edge and keeper takes a good catch.
Alzarri Joseph to
Short length ball outside off, leaves it.
Alzarri Joseph to
Length ball on the pads, tries to flicked but gets inside edge and keeper takes a catch.
Alzarri Joseph to Lungi Ngidi
Short ball on the stumps, guides to third man for single.
to Lungi Ngidi
Good length ball on the off, played to mid off.
to Lungi Ngidi
Pitched up ball on the off, drives to cover.
to Lungi Ngidi
Slower ball on the off, blocked it.
Fuller ball on the off, cuts to point for single.
to Lungi Ngidi
Good length ball on the pads, flicked to square leg for single.
Good length ball on the off, played to extra cover for single.
Alzarri Joseph to Lungi Ngidi
Full length ball outside off, defended to mid off.
Alzarri Joseph to Lungi Ngidi
Back of length ball outside off, wanted to play but misses it.
Alzarri Joseph to Lungi Ngidi
Short of length ball outside off, ducks under it.
Alzarri Joseph to
Low full toss ball on the stumps, flicked to mid wicket for a single.
Alzarri Joseph to
Short ball on the stumps, flicked to square leg for a couple.
Alzarri Joseph to Lungi Ngidi
Short ball outside off, pushed to cover point for a single.
Tossed up ball outside off, tried to drive but misses it.
Flight up ball outside off, gets beaten.
Flat ball on the stumps, slog swept to deep mid wicket for a maximum.
Tossed up ball on the stumps, blocked it.
Flat ball on the stumps, hit it to long on for a maximum.
Flight up ball on the stumps, lofted to long on for a maximum.
Alzarri Joseph to Lungi Ngidi
Short of length ball outside off, leaves it alone.
Alzarri Joseph to Lungi Ngidi
Short of length ball outside off, ducks under it.
Alzarri Joseph to Lungi Ngidi
Length ball on the stumps, pushed to mid off.
Alzarri Joseph to
Full length ball outside off stump, worked to square leg for a single.
Alzarri Joseph to
Yorker length ball on the stumps, defended back.
Alzarri Joseph to
Short of length ball outside off, defended it.
to Lungi Ngidi
Fuller ball outside off, gets beaten.
to Lungi Ngidi
Flight up ball outside off, pushed to cover.