Fuller ball on the stumps, flicked to mid wicket for couple.
Good length ball outside off, tries to hit hard but missed it.
Length ball on the stumps, pulled to deep square leg and fielder dropped a catch.
Short ball on the off, pulled to deep mid wicket for couple.
Pitched up ball outside off, played to long off for single.
Fuller ball outside off, missed it.
Good length ball outside off, drives to extra cover for boundary.
Short ball outside off, wide calls.
Length ball outside off, pulled to long on and fielder takes a catch.
Short ball outside off, tries to pulled but missed it.
Fuller ball outside off, gets edge to third man for boundary.
Slower ball outside off, missed it.
Good length ball on the pads, sweeps to deep square leg for three runs.
Short ball on the pads, pulled to fine leg for single.
Slower ball on the pads, turns to leg side for single.
Length ball just outside leg, missed it.
Short ball outside off, guides to third man for boundary.
Good length ball on the stumps, played in the air and long on takes a catch.
Length ball on the off, pulled to long on for couple.
Short ball on the off, pulled to deep mid wicket for single.
Fuller ball on the pads, scoops to fine leg for boundary.
Length ball on the body, pulled to deep square leg for couple.
Length ball outside off, cuts to third man for boundary.
Short ball outside off, cuts to deep backward point for couple.
Fuller ball on the stumps, banged to long on for six.
Slower ball on the off, works to long on for single.
Flight ball on the off, played to long on for six.
Googly on the pads, banged to deep mid wicket for six.
Pitched up ball on the stumps, works to long on for single.
Flight ball on the off, played to long on for couple.
Fuller ball on the stumps, flicked to mid wicket for couple.
Good length ball outside off, tries to hit hard but missed it.
Length ball on the stumps, pulled to deep square leg and fielder dropped a catch.
Short ball on the off, pulled to deep mid wicket for couple.
to Wesley Madhevere
Pitched up ball outside off, played to long off for single.
to Wesley Madhevere
Fuller ball outside off, missed it.
Good length ball outside off, drives to extra cover for boundary.
Short ball outside off, wide calls.
Length ball outside off, pulled to long on and fielder takes a catch.
Short ball outside off, tries to pulled but missed it.
Fuller ball outside off, gets edge to third man for boundary.
Slower ball outside off, missed it.
to Wesley Madhevere
Good length ball on the pads, sweeps to deep square leg for three runs.
to Wesley Madhevere
Short ball on the pads, pulled to fine leg for single.
Slower ball on the pads, turns to leg side for single.
Length ball just outside leg, missed it.
Short ball outside off, guides to third man for boundary.
to Ryan Burl
Good length ball on the stumps, played in the air and long on takes a catch.
to Ryan Burl
Length ball on the off, pulled to long on for couple.
to Ryan Burl
Short ball on the off, pulled to deep mid wicket for single.
to Ryan Burl
Fuller ball on the pads, scoops to fine leg for boundary.
to Ryan Burl
Length ball on the body, pulled to deep square leg for couple.
to Ryan Burl
Length ball outside off, cuts to third man for boundary.
to Ryan Burl
Short ball outside off, cuts to deep backward point for couple.
to Ryan Burl
Fuller ball on the stumps, banged to long on for six.
to Ryan Burl
Slower ball on the off, works to long on for single.
to Ryan Burl
Flight ball on the off, played to long on for six.
to Ryan Burl
Googly on the pads, banged to deep mid wicket for six.
to Wesley Madhevere
Pitched up ball on the stumps, works to long on for single.
to Wesley Madhevere
Flight ball on the off, played to long on for couple.