ISL 2022-23: Kerala Blasters third straight loss. "We didn't deserve the win," said Ivan Vukomanovic, Kerala Blasters coach

    In yesterday's match between Mumbai City FC and Kerala Blasters, the Kerala franchise suffered another defeat in the ongoing Indian Super League, making it their third consecutive loss

    Kerala Blasters third straight loss Kerala Blasters third straight loss

    Kerala Blasters has already lost 3 out of 4 matches. Unless the team brings a significant shift in their strategy, it seems simple for them to recover from the loss they've already suffered. 

    In a press conference with Ivan Vukomanovic, the coach of Kerala Blasters, he agreed that the team performed poorly in the first half. 

    "As a coach, it makes me unhappy first of all, because of the loss, because of the fans and everybody. Then it makes me frustrated because as a coach, using your energy to repeat these kind of things every day and these kinds of things are actually the things that have to be there," said Vukomanovic. 

    "On the other hand, looking at that reaction and the difference between the first and second half, it makes you wonder and ask yourself why we can't start like that. Because nobody can say that we cannot do it because in every game, even last season and so far, we have shown that we are capable of doing that," he added. 

    The coach felt frustrated that the team didn't start the match the way they played in the second half, which made them lose the game. The coach also said that the team didn't deserve to win after the way they played the first half. 

    "So I think that today, seeing the facts of the first half, we didn't deserve to win. Even the chances we had in the second half, it makes us have this positive attitude, mindset and a reference," said the coach. 

    The coach felt hopeful about the second half of the game but also incredibly doubtful, seeing that the team has already lost three matches in a row. 

    Seeing the team's position at the moment, the coach believed that the only way forward is to work hard and then even more brutal, and that's the only way the team may have a chance to recover.

    "But again, as a team, the only way there is to sleep, work hard on football, work even harder and then prepare for the next game. That's the only way," he added.


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