India vs Jordan: Jordan beat India 2-0


    In the international friendly match between Jordan and India today at 9.30 IST, India had a comprehensive defeat by 0-2


    Jordan beats India Jordan beats India

    While India couldn't catch any opportunity to score, Jordan's Abu Amara and Abu Zraig made their team proud by scoring two goals that resulted in Jordan's victory over India. 

    The first half didn't see any goals by either of the teams. Even the majority of the second half didn't see much action either. The second half saw two goals by Jordan while India lost all chances to score. 

    The Indian team saw many opportunities to score but all in vain. Just 3 minutes into the second half, Subhasish Bose aimed at passing the ball to Sunil Chhetri in the hope that he would make the goal; however, their plan didn't succeed. Soon the Indian team had another opportunity to score in the form of a corner taken by Sahal Abdul Samad. Though the Indian star did everything in his hand to score this time, India again lost an excellent opportunity. With only 15 minutes remaining, India tried to make some adjustments replacing Sunil Chhetri and Glan Martins with Brandon Fernandes and Suresh Wangjam. 

    In the second half, Jordan finally took the lead with their first goal by Abu Amara as Ahmed Saleh passed him the ball to side foot the ball. Soon after, India again lost an opportunity to score as Sandesh Jhingan's path was obstructed by Tarek Khattab as he was attempting to pass the ball to Ishan Pandita. 

    As the Indian team's attempt to tie the game failed, Jordan scored another goal to defeat India 2-0. Abu Amara passed the ball to Abu Zraik, who swiftly scored one to seal Jordan's victory today. 
