FIH Pro League: Spain beat France in the first match

    The third edition of Men's FIH Pro League started in October last year and will conclude in July 2022. 

    Spain wins a thriller Spain wins a thriller

    A total of 9 national teams participated in the championship this year. When Australia and New Zealand had to withdraw from the tournament due to COVID-19, South Africa and Canada joined the league last December. France finally came into the league in January as Canada's substitute when Canada had to leave it due to Omicron. France played against Spain today and lost owing to Spain's colossal attacks. 

    Today, Spain defeated France with a terrific attack in the first match of a double confrontation in the FIH Pro League. Spain played exceptionally well since the very first bars. In the first four minutes only, Alonso took a penalty corner against France 1-0. Their dangerous attacks only started from the beginning of the match and continued till the end. Though France got a chance to take a penalty corner too immediately after, Spain's incredible defence didn't allow Fred Soyez to utilise the opportunity. 

    In the second quarter, Charlet took the opportunity of a penalty shot and tied the match. Though Davila was very close to taking the score to 2-0, Thieffry didn't allow him to do so, which Charlet used as an opportunity. Despite Chatlet's penalty shot, Spain didn't lose any motivation and continued their offensive play after the tie. While Davila failed to score in his first attempt, in his second attempt, he assisted Sanz, who made an incredible shot taking the score to 2-1. France again tied the score when Garin took another shot for France. Spain had an opportunity to take another shot before the break, but they missed the chance. 

    Though the match continued with a tied score for some time, Spain soon became offensive and started attacking recklessly. The third quarter witnessed dangerous attacks by Spain against French players that ultimately resulted in its victory. The third quarter didn't see any new goals, but the final quarter witnessed two back to back shots by Spain. First, Miralles took a penalty stroke and soon Recasens saw an excellent opportunity to make a shot making it 4-2.