Valve's new Counter-Strike 2 patch not proving popular

    Valve's most recent patch for Counter-Strike 2, released last week, has not been well-received by fans.

    Counter Strike Counter Strike

    The update changed the "desynchronized" shooting seeds to make them more similar to CS:GO, but some players preferred the previous version.

    In response, players have created a petition on Reddit asking Valve to revert the changes.

    Valve's decision to change the shooting seeds was prompted by concerns that cheaters could exploit the feature. However, some players argue that the change will have a negative impact on newer players who are still learning the game.

    It turns out that Valve had a good reason for the change. The desynchronized shooting seeds made it possible for players to use "spread cheats" that were completely undetectable. The update was meant to combat this kind of cheating.

    Counter-Strike 2 is still in beta, so it's likely that there will be more changes to the game's settings and anti-cheat measures. There have already been reports of cheating in the beta, so Valve will need to work to prevent this as much as possible.
